The Process

The Board Search Process at Daly & Company begins with a discussion covering the mission and strategy of the company and the current requirements of the board that forms the foundation for a role specification. In developing this role spec with the board, we also look forward approximately five years, seeking input from the board as well as senior management. This serves not only to ensure an accurate and balanced picture but also helps to build rapport between the board and management during a very critical decision process.

At a minimum, an informal assessment of the current board will yield what skills are currently present among the members and what are lacking going forward. Simultaneously, we will look very carefully at the personality and culture of the board, both from a group and individual standpoint. While a new board member should not be identical to the others members, he/she must be a good fit, have motives, goals and objectives that are compatible with the mission and goals of the organization, and be able to balance assertiveness with cooperation in order to reduce the risk of short term turnover or unhealthy dynamics. Our recruiting interviews are followed by formal and informal board interviews. We also conduct extensive reference checks, many of which are based on the candidate’s existing or prior board experience. Our decades of executive assessment and board experience are a critical element in this process.

Recruiting for a board position requires a search firm with a skill set not always needed in a standard corporate executive hire. While our role as a recruiter is well understood, just as important is our role as a negotiator and buffer to the board. Individuals often may appear to be qualified candidates, could simply not fit from a personality standpoint. This rejection process must be done in a professional manner, insulating the company.